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The Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions aims to expand the knowledge and practice of effective behavioral support in school, home, and community settings, focusing on comprehensive outcomes for children, youth, and adults. The goal is to extend the empirical database; enhance the conceptual framework; and provide a forum for researchers, professionals, families, and policymakers. Articles are relevant for the development and application of behavioral support and offer sound, research-based principles of positive behavior support for use in school, home, and community settings with people with challenges in behavioral adaptation. Regular features include empirical research; discussion, literature reviews, and conceptual papers; programs, practices, and innovations; forums; and media reviews. Published by the Hammill Institute on Disabilities and SAGE in association with the Association for Positive Behavior Support.
The Annual Conference Content Planning Workgroup has authority over the content of the APBS Annual Conference and works closely with APBS administration. It holds one meeting in the fall to select the program for the upcoming conference, one meeting in the spring to identify keynote speakers, and one meeting in the summer to evaluate the previous annual conference and begin plans for the upcoming meeting. The committee is charged with:
APBS aims to provide information, tools, and resources on positive behavior support for individuals interested in learning about evidence-based practice.
Evidence-based practice in positive behavior support is the integration of rigorous science-based knowledge with applied expertise driven by stakeholder preferences, values, and goals within natural support communities.
View a printable version of the APBS Definition of Evidence-based Practice that includes this table. The references or source material associated with this website do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Association for Positive Behavior Support (APBS) nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by APBS. APBS Approved Definition March 26, 2013
The Association for Positive Behavior Supports (APBS) Board of Directors adopted the initial Positive Behavior Support Standards of Practice: Individual Level in March 2007. Over the years, the practices associated with positive behavior support have evolved as our field improves on how to best serve and improve the quality of life for individuals, as evidenced by the APBS Mission, Vision, and Equity Statement. To address the diverse needs of the APBS membership and field, a multidisciplinary team of 15 members from two countries met over a year (March 2022-March 2023). In March of 2023, APBS officially endorsed the 2023 Practice Guidelines, which serve as a broad set of guidelines designed to be applied across various settings (school, home, community) and with diverse populations.
These practice guidelines are intended to apply across the breadth and depth of positive behavior support. These practice guidelines serve as “guideposts,” reflecting the values of what APBS believes is critical to the practice of positive behavior support. To streamline language while at the same time valuing the range of disciplines within positive behavior support, the committee identified the following terms to represent the breadth of application within this field: Collaborator groups: this term includes, but is not limited to, individuals, families, community members, agencies, and school personnel.
APBS continually refines and enhances its methodology for developing evidence-based guidelines and guidance statements. If you are interested in becoming involved, we are always looking for members to join the Committee on Research.