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Board of Directors

APBS Team meeting

The APBS Board of Directors is responsible for the organization’s business, organizational, and legal affairs. The board is chaired by our president, who, along with APBS’ executive director and executive committee, ensures consistency, continuity, and communication throughout APBS.

The APBS Board meets in person once a year with our annual conference. Between annual meetings, the executive committee of the board meets as needed to conduct APBS affairs. The APBS Executive Committee is comprised of the president, secretary, treasurer, and executive director, who is a nonvoting member.


We would like to invite you to participate in a committee and explore volunteer leadership opportunities within APBS.Learn more.

Cheretta A. Clerkley, MBA
Executive Director

APBS Executive Committee - Board of Directors

Executive Director

Cheretta A. Clerkley, MBA
Executive Director
Non-Voting Member

Executive Committee

Sarah Wilkinson (President)


Term: 2024-2026

Tammy Jackson (Treasurer)


Term: 2023-2026

Nikki Grasley-Boy (Secretary)


Term: 2023-2026

General Board of Directors

Katie Conley

Term: 2024-2027

Nicholas Diggs

Term: 2024-2027

Karen Gifford

Term: 2023-2026

Zipporah Levi-Shackleford

Term: 2024-2027

Stephanie Martinez

Term: 2022-2025

Erika McDowell

Term: 2024-2027

Kristy Ritvalsky

Term: 2024-2026

Imad Zaheer

Term: 2023-2026

Nominations Invited for APBS Board of Directors

Board of Directors Nomination Form

The information you provide below will be used by the nominations committee appointed by the APBS Board of Directors to select candidates best qualified to serve on the board. You may nominate yourself.

The nominating committee seeks candidates who will bring wisdom, effectiveness, diversity, candor, and creative thinking to the board. In choosing among candidates to develop the nominee slate, in addition to other relevant factors, the nominating committee considers each candidate’s background and experience.

Criteria for Candidate for the Board

  • Have an interest or background in positive behavior support.
  • A record of significant accomplishment in more than one area or endeavor (e.g., an individual who has been successful in his/her position and has served on other boards or committees).
  • Willingness and ability to articulate a point of view clearly and persuasively.
  • The ability to provide constructive contributions, to compromise, and to work towards consensus positions.
  • The ability to commit the time and effort necessary for active service as a board member.

Duties/Responsibilities of Board Members to APBS

  • Attend APBS board of directors’ meetings, leadership meetings, trainings, and/or conference calls.
  • Oversee the corporate and financial governance of APBS.
  • Review and approve proposed budget and fee structures.
  • Serve as an ambassador for APBS by participating in events and programs.
  • Serve as appointed board liaisons for APBS committees.
  • Assist APBS staff when requested.

*Board members receive no compensation or honoraria. Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis.