APBS Committees

Hundreds of APBS members volunteer their time and expertise by serving on committees and workgroups that work on behalf of the Board to strengthen the positive behavior support community.

The APBS President works with other volunteer and staff leaders to develop charges that align with the strategic plan, support upcoming initiatives, appoint chairs, and recruit people with a wide range of perspectives. All committees/task forces provide reports to the Board quarterly.

Associations are built on a system of committee actions, linking the association with the attitudes, expectations, and needs in the real world of its members. Committees represent, involve, and serve members. They also provide an important training ground for future leaders. Committees are an effective workforce for the association – they ensure group participation in problem-solving and provide a critical forum for the many interests within the association.

Effective committees unify, represent, motivate, coordinate, consolidate and communicate. They function best when their members are selected appropriately, and they have a clearly defined mission, strong leadership, and support from APBS administration.

Learn about the work and purpose of each committee and workgroup.



Please complete the form below to apply to participate in an APBS Committee. Please note you must be an active member of APBS to be eligible to participate. If we have an opportunity that aligns with your interest and expertise, a member of our team will reach out to you regarding the next steps. Thank you for your interest in serving.
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