Communication Committees

The Communications Committee collaborates with the APBS administration to guide and enhance APBS communications and marketing activities. The council works to transform public attitudes toward PBS by establishing an emotional connection between the public and positive behavior support. It is the responsibility of the Committee to establish positive behavior professionals with the most knowledge, training, and experience in the field of PBS and generate excitement about their ability to implement positive behavior with individuals, communities, schools, and families and help to leverage these individuals throughout APBS communication channels (e.g., webinars, programs, conferences, blog posts, etc.).

Highlights of Responsibilities

  • Advise and assist APBS administration in the development, implementation, and promotion of its strategic initiatives and strategies, as they relate to public affairs.
  • Understand the many diverse attitudes toward PBS among all cultural groups, and work to create approaches to improve attitudes about positive behavior support.
  • Review, advise, and cooperate with other Association components regarding issues affecting the public image of PBS and public understanding of issues impacting implementation.
  • Expand the Public Affairs Network both within and outside the APBS and ensure bi-directional communications.
  • Build coalitions at the local & national levels.
  • Develop recommendations for the Board on public affairs implications of PBS implementation, policies, communications, and developing public attitudes and trends.
  • Identify and plan responses to “teachable moments” that occur during and after crises, news stories, and other psychiatrically relevant public situations.
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