Annual Conference Content Planning Workgroup

The Annual Conference Content Planning Workgroup has authority over the content of the APBS Annual Conference and work closely with the APBS administration. It holds one meeting in the fall to select the program for the upcoming conference, one meeting in the spring to identify keynote speakers, and one meeting in the summer to evaluate the previous Annual Conference and begin plans for the upcoming meeting. The committee is charged with:
  • Prepare the content for the Annual Conference and maintain close liaison with APBS administration to ensure that all disciplines across the lifespan are represented.
  • Develop Pre-Conference Workshops in conjunction with APBS Administration.
  • Select and coordinate the Annual Conference theme with APBS President
  • Work to develop conference tracks within the context of school, family, and community across settings (entire schools, organizations, states, for small groups, with individuals with complex support needs).
  • Partner with the APBS administration to select the main stage speakers.
  • The Chair and Vice Chair in coordination with APBS Administration will coordinate the call for proposals website and submission requirements.
  • Collaborate with APBS Administration to ensure technical reviewers of submitted proposals are matched appropriately for content areas and identify the systems to ensure fair and equitable review of all submissions.
  • Support APBS administration with the design and development of the Poster Sessions through the selection process.
  • During the Annual Conference, the Committee will meet with the APBS Administration daily to review any programmatic issues that need to be addressed, assist in monitoring sessions, and fill any vacant roles of introducing speakers.
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