Committee on International Positive Behavior Support

The Committee on International Positive Behavior Support facilitates an understanding of the unique needs and implementation processes of international practitioners and implementors of positive behavior support, and the challenges they face. It does so by focusing on international membership in APBS, and through increased membership in APBS, availing all members of the opportunities in education and professional development that APBS provides. The Committee brings to the mission of APBS the global perspectives of individual, family, culture, and population-based approaches for understanding PBS and supporting best practices and strategies.

Highlights of Responsibilities

  • The Committee works with APBS leadership and other national and international organizations to increase the international membership of the APBS.
  • The Committee assists APBS in developing partnerships with other organizations to foster the development or expansion of financially beneficial or self-sustaining international programs of use to APBS members.
  • The Committee supports the transformation of PBS education to include knowledge and skills needed for the implementation of PBS and research in global settings. These include skills for population-based research and strategies, as well as skills for engaging remote populations across gaps of language, culture, and social exclusion.
  • The Committee assists APBS in ensuring that APBS policies and positions on international issues are current and appropriate, including those affecting global and population health.
  • The Committee will collaborate with other APBS Committees to develop global strategies for research, mental health, and individual, family, and population-level PBS models.
  • The Committee promotes humane treatment and cultural competency as an essential pathway to PBS and recognizes that there can be no effective PBS when human rights are violated.
  • The Committee is responsible for producing at least two work products a year for Board approval in partnership with APBS administration business goals.
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