APBS Networks Effective October 13, 2014

The Association for Positive Behavior Support (APBS) announced on January 1, 2007 the establishment of what was termed “APBS Networks” initially utilizing either a state, regional, or international unit of analysis (e.g. APBS Network of New York or APBS Network of the New England Area or APBS Network of Hong Kong). In addition, and based on the original intent of APBS, APBS also began to recognize thematically organized networks (not tied to any specific geographic local) over the following years (e.g. Home and Community Positive Behavior Support Across Life Span or APBS Student Network). As originally established, a formal request (technically referred to as a “petition”) must be submitted via a form submitted to the President of APBS (APBSPresident@apbs.org), with a copy to the Executive Director, Cheretta Clerkley, MBA, (cheretta.clerkley@apbs.org), in order to establish a recognized “APBS Network”. Download the petition form here. The following provides general parameters and procedures for establishing and operating of an APBS Network.

APBS Goals for All Networks

  1. To promote ethical research and practice in positive behavior support in a manner consistent with the mission, vision and operating principles of APBS.
  2. To increase visibility of APBS and, in turn, recruit and build membership in APBS through APBS Network endeavors.

Initial Establishment

  1. There must be no less than five APBS members (in good standing) who serve as the petitioners to APBS to establish the “APBS Network”. None of the petitioners may be currently serving members as elected directors by the general membership of the Full Board of APBS.
  2. A formal proposal (see sample formal proposals) must be submitted using the required petition form to the APBS President with copy of the Executive Director. This proposal must include a list of (at least) the five APBS members petitioning for establishment of the “APBS Network” and their current APBS membership numbers
  3. The APBS Executive Committee, and in turn, the Full Board will review and take action on the petition to establish an “APBS Network” in a timely manner in keeping with the nature of APBS meeting agendas and business.
  4. Communication concerning the requested establishment of the APBS Network(the status of the petition) will be provided to the petitioners by the President of APBS with copy to the Executive Director of APBS in a timely manner following board action.

General Operation

  1. There is agreement that the “APBS Network” is considered a loosely coupled community of Positive Behavior Support (PBS) practice comprised of (at least) five current APBS members in good standing. An APBS Network is not to be viewed as a formal “chapter” as APBS does not have or operate “chapters”. As such, there are no acknowledged officers of the APBS Network and the APBS Network has no authority to enter into any form of legal or fiscal agreement utilizing the name of APBS (this does not preclude APBS entering into such agreements on behalf of a given “APBS Network” given action by the Full Board of Directors of APBS).
  2. There is an understanding (and agreement) that the APBS Network will not collect additional fees or dues on behalf of APBS (e.g. members of the APBS Network pay relevant APBS membership dues and/or conference registration fees directly to APBS).
  3. The “APBS Network” has no authority to use the name APBS in any form of written policy or lobbying activities which could jeopardize APBS non-profit status.
  4. The “APBS Network” supports through its interactions and subsequent endeavors positive behavior support research and practice in the field that is consistent with the mission, vision and operating principles of APBS.
  5. The acknowledged APBS Network is required to submit on an annual basis a brief report of network activities that occurred during the prior twelve month period that are relevant to the mission of APBS (this report will be due no later than October 30th for each respective year the APBS Network is in operation). Reports should be completed and submitted via the link sent in email to primary and secondary Network Contacts. If this report is not submitted, networks will not be eligible to apply for network start-up funds or to utilize the APBS resources listed below until the report has been submitted and may be subject to temporary or permanent inactive status.
  6. Networks will maintain a minimum of five registered APBS members (in good standing) who continue to actively participate in the network on a yearly basis. If the network falls below five members and/or does not engage in activities for a period of longer than 12 months (as determined by the annual network evaluation report) then the network will be deemed “inactive.” Inactive networks will have their network contact information and page temporarily removed from public viewing on the APBS website and will need to re-petition using the petition form in order to reactivate the network.

APBS Resources Available to Established APBS Networks

  1. The APBS Network may utilize various virtual collaboration platforms (e.g. conference calling lines, webinar services, Adobe Connect, the APBS website’s network section, etc.) based on request given that established protocol is followed. A request, as relevant, is to be sent to the Executive Director of APBS with copy to the President of APBS. Alternately, requests for support will be reviewed through the annual network reporting mechanism detailed above.
  2. One poster session table at the APBS Annual Conference will be awarded to the APBS Network given that the display emphasizes network endeavors that are both reflective of existent guidelines for exhibitors at the APBS Annual Conference and that the APBS Network follows established protocol with the APBS Conference Planner. APBS will provide a variety of additional opportunities for networks to present their work to the larger community at the annual conference. Opportunities may include: break-out session presentations, space to disseminate network information, and more. Please be aware that these opportunities will vary and may be limited due to space/programing constraints. Networks will be informed about opportunities on a yearly basis via electronic communication from APBS.
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